MALAWI FERTILIZER COMPANY was incorporated in 1997 to blend and supply NPK mixtures for use in the Malawian agricultural sector. The Company is currently the only blender

of NPK Compounds in Malawi. It owns its own premises in Liwonde that includes substantial warehousing for the blended products and bulk raw materials.

The business is strategically situated in Liwonde on the rail routes from Nacala at the junction where the rail line divides to head South (Blantyre) and North (Lilongwe). Its primary

role is the supply of finished fertilizers to Agora and Farmers World for distribution and sale

nationally. It also supplies government programmes directly

MFC also caters for the majority of the commercial sector, including Illovo Sugar, and the

tobacco, coffee, macadamia and tea estate sector. It has the capacity to produce prescription fertilizers for the varied needs of these producers.

The Company, at its peak production, employs in the region of 235 local Malawians and

handles 60,000 Metric tons of fertilizer per year

Business Concept Description:

  • Strategic stock of concentrated bulk raw materials required for all NPK fertilizers for

    Agora, Farmers World and 3rd party customers.

  • The Maximum incorporation of Local Content in the form of raw materials, processing, handling bagging and redistribution.

  • The reduction of costs and the creation of specialized local infrastructure and human capacity to manufacture basic and prescription compounds for specialized

    users, with no minimum run.
  • Contacts

    Physical Address:  Area 28, Kanengo, Lilongwe
    Postal Address:  Malawi Fertilizer Company

    P.O BOX 1631

    Phone: +265 99 466 6783, +265 99 352 0484, +265 99 150 2878