We are

Fertilizer Association of Malawi

The Fertilizer Association of Malawi was formed in 2007 in response to the Government of Malawi’s need for Public-Private Partnership in its Farm Inputs Subsidy Programme(FISP)

The Association currently has 20 member companies that represent all activities related to the production, trade, distribution of all types of fertilizer, their raw materials and intermediates. Our member companies are responsible for more than 90% of the annual fertilizer consumption in Malawi.

Since its inception the Association has ardently participated in FISP, regularly giving advice and updating the Government of Malawi on the status and supply of fertilizers in the domestic market. The Association achieves this through data collection from its members and other stakeholders in the agricultural industry.

The Association’s concerted efforts with the Government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security have resulted in Malawi’s remarkable food security phenomenon.

The Association is self regulatory in that its members adhere to a strict Constitution and Code of Conduct. Complimented by a Disciplinary Committee, the Association enforces decorum in its member’s business practices with the subsidy programme and commercial market.

In its nascent stage the Association is actively forging partnerships with other institutions and organizations to enhance its activities as a unified voice for the fertilizer industry in Malawi.


To enhance the competitiveness of Malawian Agriculture, Fertilizer Association of Malawi liaises with Government on a wide range of policy issues relating to the fertilizer sector

Safety & Security

On behalf of the industry, farmers & the public, FAM helps ensure that fertilizer is stored, transported and applied with rigorous attention to safety and security

Nutrient stewardship

FAM works with all industry stakeholders to advance the development and implementation of the best sciencebased environmental stewardship practices

We are FertMW



To foster a conducive and enabling environment for the use and trading of quality fertilizer products, to sustain a food secure Malawi for the benefit of our members and the consumer.



  • Sustainable food and nutritive security in Malawi

  • An environmentally friendly approach to the use of fertilizers in agricultural production

  • Access to premium quality fertilizers in agricultural production
  • 3


  • Transparency

  • Accountability

  • Sustainability

  • Integrity

  • Decorum
  • Aims & Objectives

    The Aims And Objectives Of The Association Are:

    • To ensure that government policy on fertilizer is conducive to the importation, manufacture and distribution and sale of fertilizer in Malawi
    • To ensure that legislation in the fertilizer sector is enabling in order to protect the fertilizer dealers and consumers
    • To promote local fertilizer companies registered in Malawi in order to benefit the development of the fertilizer industry and the consumers
    • To act as a forum for engaging with the government, development partners and other stakeholders in agriculture sector in Malawi
    • To dialogue with and engage other stakeholders in the agriculture sector in Malawi
    • To assist government in promoting agricultural productivity and food security in Malawi
    • To develop and promote fertilizer products and usage suitable to the Malawi agro industry environment
    • To ensure that fertilizer business in Malawi is conducted in an honest and transparent manner
    • To act as the regulator for the fertilizer industry in Malawi


    Membership of the Association is open to:
    All persons or nominated representatives of body corporate who are:

    • Manufacture of fertilizer through granulation or blending of fertilizer for the Malawi agricultural sector and for exports.
    • Fertilizer importers
    • Fertilizer distributors
    • Fertilizer retailers

    Further, these persons or nominated persons shall also be involved in research and or marketing of fertilizer

    Application for Membership:

    Applications for membership shall be made in writing on the prescribed form accompanied by the entrance fee provided for in the membership terms and conditions of entitled to accept or reject any such application, without obligation to supply reasons.

    Benenfits for Being a Member:

    • Members are represented when addressing the stakeholders,these include the Malawi Government and Development Partners
    • FAM acts as a communications hub and represents the members’ to relevant international and local bodies.
    • Participation in FAM activities offers the possibility for a member company to raise its profile and improve its public image. Through various channels, FAM highlights the best practices of member companies in various fields, such as efficient production, the promotion of responsible fertilizer use and the implementation of sustainable development principles
    • Promoting the interest of our members’ on commercial and government business.
    • Sharing of industrial information from within Malawi and international, between the members’.
    • Members are supported when there is a mistreatment from other parties


    FAM has participated in the implementation of FISP, now called AIP, since its formation in 2007. Our members have been involved in several aspects of the subsidy program including; the procurement of fertilizers, the transportation of fertilizers to various markets, and the retail sale of fertilizers. Private sector participation in the procurement of subsided fertilizers has remained consistent over the years.

    While the size of subsidized fertilizers has been fairly constant, the growing demand for commercial fertilizer purchases by smallholder farmers has led our members to strategically position their retail outlets in the underserved areas, at the same time expanding their existing network.

    With the hope that the government can continue to involve the private sector in the retail distribution, we believe the benefits for expanding the role of the private sector are, reduction in program costs, increasing efficiency, and alleviating problems of storage capacity in parastatal markets, in this case, the private sector, government and beneficiaries will benefit, with an efficient running program and the problems faced now could become minimal.

    Know More About Us

    Funding Sources

    The current major funding source for the Fertilizer Association of Malawi is from the membership subscription fees, which are paid on an annual basis. Currently, members residing in Malawi (local members) are liable for an annual membership fee of the Malawi Kwacha equivalent of US$1, 000.00 (One Thousand US Dollars Only). If a member joins during the year, payment is made for the number of months remaining in the year.

    Our Partners

    Malawi Government

    FISP Development partners( Norwegian embassy, World Bank, European Union , Irish aid DFID)

    Farmers Union of Malawi
