SIMAMA GENERAL DEALERS is owned by Bishop Abraham John Simama, he has
30years business management experience and is a holder of a Diploma in Administration.
He has developed a passion for commodity grain distribution, transport and logistics and
intends to maintain that interest. Mr. Jarvis Njala assists in daily operations of the business,
and oversees sales and marketing, transport and logistics and finance for the Zimbabwean
Abraham, Pezani and Jarvis have extensive commodity grains and transport and logistics
experience that is crucial to the type of business they are operating. Jarvis is particularly
skilled in procurement, business management and as an additional he is very organized,
able to work independently, and is reliable, dependable and hardworking. Jarvis has three
diplomas in IT, Electrical Engineering and Communications.
The experience that Abraham, Pezani and Jarvis bring to the endeavor is invaluable, they
have product knowledge, are familiar with marketing and sales strategies, having walked
the path on their wide ranging experience