FARMERS WORLD LIMITED (FWL) Supplies a wide range of products that include fertilizers, seeds, packaging materials, farm implements, sugar, salt, building materials, blankets

and bicycles to rural and urban markets. All this is achieved through a vast network of rural

and urban retail outlets that span the entire central and northern regions of Malawi from

Lizulu to Chitipa. The Company currently operates 74 active outlets within the two regions.

FWL provides employment for 724 members of staff. FWL’s mission is to forge a partnership

with all the smallholder farmers of Malawi. In reaching out through its rural retail network

FWL is able to deliver local and international goods and services to the farmer’s doorstep.

Farmers World buys inputs from sources all over the world, and provides the same global

access for farmers’ crops and processed commodities. Offering the best possible prices for

inputs and crops alike is a major priority for the company.


Physical Address:  Plot Alimaunde 29/156, Kanengo, Lilongwe, Malawi
Postal Address:  Farmers World Limited

P.O Box 1631,

Kanengo, Lilongwe
Phone: +265 99 466 6783, +265 99 352 0484, +265 99 150 2878