25 April

New FAM Climate Change Policy

Given that Malawi is predominantly agro-based and largely rain-dependent, it is very vulnerable to climate change. Since the 1970s, the agricultural sector in Malawi has increasingly experienced extreme weather conditions such as droughts, prolonged dry spells, intense rainfall and floods resulting in ac

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15 August

Fertilizer Market Watch

Keep up with the current status of the fertilizer market with the dashboard tool on the Africa Fertilizer Watch website. Click on Malawi to see how it ranks in various categories such as fertilizer market risk, affordability, and availability. This data is updated every month. 


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04 July

2021/2022 FAM Magazine 3rd Annual Edition is out!!!

The 3rd annual FAM magazine is now available on our Downloads page! 

Follow this link: https://www.fertilizerassociationmw.com/assets/docs/Fertilizer_Association_Magazine_-_June_2022.pdf to read up on the 2022 AIP program, some of our members, an

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23 June

How do we make AIP smarter?

Many have expressed that the current subsidy program, AIP, does not efficiently meet farmers’ household needs or preferences and has increasingly become a financial burden on the Agriculture Budget.

In this paper, FAM looks at the concept of a ‘smart subsidy’ which is targeted b

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13 May


Every year FAM produces a report detailing our experience of the AIP program from the perspective of the fertilizer industry. Every year has been different presenting new challenges and last season was no different. 

This year we have produced 2 reports, a summary that quickly highlights the key points and a detailed report that expands on the summary. Each document ends with a list

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