01 April

Tour exposes subsidy flaws (Nation Newspaper Article)

The State President, Dr. Lazarus M. Chakwera has begun inspection tours to see the results of the subsidy program. The Nation Newspaper reported some of the feedback from various people in the areas he was visiting. 

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14 March

Fertilizer Manufacturing in Malawi

In April 2021 it was reported that the Minister of Agriculture Lobin Lowe said the country will have a modern fertilizer manufacturing plant by December 2023.

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14 March

Food shortage warning as fertiliser rationed - War in Ukraine and sanctions have forced British farmers to cut production

Follow this link to read this Times.co.uk article on the effect of the Russia Ukraine war on global fertilizer and food supply:


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09 March

How the Russia - Ukraine war will affect the global fertilizer and food industry

Follow this link to BBC online to learn more about how Russia's w

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10 February

AIP - How can it be reformed for diversified Agricultural Growth

Hate it or love it, the subsidy program has been a huge part of the agricultural landscape in Malawi for over 10 years. How can Malawi ween itself off it without leaving those who depend on it destitute? 

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