In April 2021 it was reported that the Minister of Agriculture Lobin Lowe said the country will have a modern fertilizer manufacturing plant by December 2023.
In April 2021 it was reported that the Minister of Agriculture Lobin Lowe said the country will have a modern fertilizer manufacturing plant by December 2023.
Follow this link to read this article on the effect of the Russia Ukraine war on global fertilizer and food supply:
Follow this link to BBC online to learn more about how Russia's w
Hate it or love it, the subsidy program has been a huge part of the agricultural landscape in Malawi for over 10 years. How can Malawi ween itself off it without leaving those who depend on it destitute?
It is no secret that this year, the AIP program has caused heated debate due to the global increase in the prices of fertilizer. The Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation, through its Chairman Honourable Sameer Suleman M.P, has taken a hard line towards the Association in recent speeches and interviews with media. As an Association, we have seen it necessary to correct some of t